maanantai 28. kesäkuuta 2021

 Communality in practise


Communality Example 1.

Ca. 3000, mainly male, football fans take a serious health risk and travel Covid-19 -torn St. Petersburg. 800 football fans came back and escaped the Covid-19 boarder control test. ”Inadequate test resources.”, said officialls. Fans spread around Finland for Mid Summer Festivals. 200+ identified as Covid-19 positive as of today, most probably the Delta variant a.k.a. Indian variant. Nobody knows how many more are infected but symptomless.

Communality Example 2.

5000 people ( 3x 5000 tickets for three days) gathered last weekend to Himos Resort in Central Finland for Mid Summer Pop Festival. Few football fans from St. Petersburg trip attended, too. ”Keep distance” meant ”Stay close to me, babe.”

Communality Example 3.

40´000 graduates gathered in St. Petersburg for Scarlet Sails Festival organized by the government. N.b. St. Petersburg is right now hard hit by Covid-19 ”the Indian variant”. Thousands of infected per day. 

Lesson learned? None!

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